
Wednesday 23 February 2011

7 Deadly sins - LUST

Lust is probably one of the most popular sins out of the 7 deadly sins. It also can bring forth almost all the other sins. You get greedy with personal needs. Lust evokes anger and envy. When you get what you lust for you are gluttonous about it (overindulge). Also and last but not least, one can get proud of all lustful achievements met, how twisted that may be. The only sin not part of this is sloth, due to the obvious fact that lust is a very engaging and sometimes tiresome thing.

Lust definition from:

  • intense sexual desire or appetite.
  • uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness
  • a passionate or overmastering desire or craving ( usually followed by for): a lust for power.
  • ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish: an enviable lust for life.
  • Obsolete:
    • Pleasure or delight
    • desire; inclination; wish.

Image by:

7 Deadly sins - GLUTTONY

Gluttony basically comes down to having eyes that are bigger than your stomach and overindulging at any possible and given moment.

Image by: Amy

7 Deadly sins - SLOTH

Sloth, a term which im sure some of the lecturers would like to add to the list of things that describe me. However after reading the definitions and seeing this image, I strongly object to any reference to me with this term. This is of a completely lazy person with no will to live and make some form of living other than merely existing.

Sloth definition by: Google definitions

  • a disinclination to work or exert yourself
  • apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue

Image by: Sloth Photography by Mark Velasquez,

7 Deadly sins - ANGER

Anger, a physical or emotional response triggered by unhappiness or irritation. Anger usually causes unmeant outbursts and can lead to serious damage in inter personal relationships.

Image from:

7 Deadly sins - GREED

"Greed is good", a cheat for warcraftIII, a VERY popular computer game. Is this really what kids should be repetitively typing and learning? Obviously the begging individual is NOT the greedy one here. We all know that you cannot help EVERY person but this level of greed portrayed is just too much.

Image by: Tom Stoddart,

7 Deadly sins - PRIDE

Nothing else really symbolises pride like a lion. Ironic then that they call it a pride of lions? This definition is what I chose to base my understanding and image relating to pride upon. Definition from:

Pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself.

Image from

7 Deadly sins - ENVY

My understanding of envy is wanting something that someone else already has. Goes hand in hand with lust. Lusting for others property, looks and lifestyle.

Image found in Google image search.

7 Deadly sins

An interesting take on the 7 sins..

Image from through google image search.

PIX Picture of the month!!

This photo is one of my tech assignments that made it to WINNING PIX magazine's picture of the month!!Taken from above with only 2 studio flash heads and a very tall wobbly ladder, this is one of my greatest creations so far :)!

Image by: Werner Traut, WT Photography

Small things?

Sometimes when doing a wedding shoot, I forget to look at the small things happening around me. Like this image for example. Focussing on the bride as a whole, it was so easy to miss such great photo opportunities. Thanks to the guidance of the photographer I am assisting at the moment, I was able to capture this moment.

Image by: Werner Traut, WT Photography

Depth of field or depth of image?

At tech we are all told that depth of field is basically the depth of the area which the photographer chooses to be in focus or place emphasis upon. this can vary between shallow and infinite depth of field.
At tech we cannot be taught to SEE the depth of an image. That depth being the emotional and truthful meaning behind the image. This is different for each person and can and will develop with age and experience.

So, what is visible in this image? Lots of pairs of takkies balancing on a tight rope with the middle bunch in focus.

What can be SEEN in this image?

Image by: Werner Traut, WT Photography

Tamil pre wedding function

This is one of my first Tamil pre wedding function shoots. Was very interesting and learned a lot of new things about this culture!

Image by: Werner Traut, WT Photography

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Getting started

Just started blogging and made my first spelling error. The layout needs work and i need to link up a few things but all will be great soon :)!